If you are planning on becoming a pro snowboarder but you are only just beginning, then something you will probably realise quite quickly is that you’ve gotta take a few tumbles here and are.
I mean you’d have to be superhuman to avoid them. With tumbles come injuries and the most common injuries are to your wrists, shoulders and collarbone.
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So let us delve into a bit of snowboarding safety and work out the best ways you can make sure that you protect yourself from any injuries.
#Get a few snowboarding lessons
A great place to start is to make sure you get some professional guidance on the things you should be learning about.
I mean it could cost you a bit of money, but let’s face it injuries will most likely cost you more time and money.
So if you can make sure to get some lessons first and enjoy your time a lot more.
#Get some good wrist guards
As mentioned earlier the highest amount of injuries are to your wrists. That is because when you fall down the first thing you do is you put your hands out to absorb the fall.
At high speeds, there is a lot to absorb and because of that, your wrists crack like thin branches.
Trust me I have had one of my a friend fall over and break the wrist from what seemed like the most gentle of gentle falls.
In the end, we went to a hospital and she spent 6 weeks in a cast. That was also the end of our snowboarding trip which kind of sucked.
They might look goofy but wrist guards will absorb and redistribute the impact away from the gentle parts of your wrist.
Check out the Center for injury research and policy page for more information
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Do you wear wrist guards and what do you think about this snowboarding safety tip? Let me know in the comments below
#Get a helmet.
Just look at the greatest formula driver in history. Michael Schumacher, he was wearing a helmet and ended up in a coma. Imagine what would have happened if he was not wearing one.
Even though he still isn’t in the best shape possible, there are still chances that he might end up walking in the future.
Without the helmet, I think the outlook would have been completely different.
You might think it doesn’t look cool to wear a helmet, but what is even worse is being injured to the point where you cannot snowboard or participate in any outdoor activities ever again.
#Snowboard on runs you are confident on. 
Learn the different colour and shape codes and make sure that you stick to them until you are confident enough to move up a level.
It’s like with any game you start of easy and then you try for hard.
If you decide to go straight for hard you will most likely fail.
In the game, it might mean a few points, but in real life, it means injuries and death.
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#Learn how to fall.
That is correct, you need to learn how to fall properly to decrease the chances of yourself being injured while on the snow.
Like mentioned before when you fall you put your hands out to absorb as much impact as possible.
But this will mean that you’ll break your wrists, shoulders and collarbone.
When falling, instead of putting your hands straight out, cross your arms across your chest, and let the snow and your clothing absorb most of the impact.
Yes, this might seem like something completely counterintuitive and it might not work the first few times, but keep practising and you will grasp it.
A simple way to practice is to stand in one place and just keep falling over onto the snow with your arms crossed over your chest
It might hurt a bit but at least You will be less likely to break something.
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Have you ever broken any bones while snowboarding? let me know in the comments below, and how since then you have changed your snowboarding style.
#Do not drink on the slopes
Trust me I’ve done it before, you decide to head up the slopes but before you do you grab a few beers.
It might be enjoyable but it does reduce your ability to react to any oncoming dangers.
It might seem obvious while driving not to drink, but seeing as you’re travelling at high speeds with nothing to protect you except for a helmet and wrist guards just the thought of crashing into something will cause pain to you.
If you are in serious need of a beverage, wait up till after the session on the mountain as an added bonus for every hour you snowboard you use up calories equivalent to 3 beers
#Have energy
One thing I have noticed over my many years as an outdoor instructor is that when I felt hungry my computing skills weren’t as efficient.
This is something I noticed with everyone in my groups, so what I would do is I would stop and make everyone eat something to replenish their energy.
This is the same with snowboarding when you get hungry you compute less and because of that, you are more prone to doing something stupid and injuring yourself.
Keep a snack on you such as the one that I have described in High energy food for winter and you will not only be able to snowboard longer but enjoyed the time more not having to think about food.
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#Be fit
Snowboarding is a hell of a sport and it requires plenty of energy for you to be able to really enjoy it.
Not only will you be able to snowboard for longer but you’ll be able to pull off better tricks if you have your body in peak performance.
For a few simple and easy snowboarding exercises check out this post
These are my simple safety snowboarding techniques that are recommended everyone takes into consideration as it could save me from injury but also something even worse
If you are enjoying this tips make sure to like share and pin with others so that they can also learn some new snowboarding safety tips.
So that is my list of safety tips I recommend everyone does and learns before going snowboarding.
Simple things like this can possibly save you from breaking bones but also will mean that you will be less likely to end up in a hospital for a really bad injury.
I hope you got something out of this article and if you did make sure to share it, pin it and like it with others so that they can learn some snowboarding safety tips as well
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